video | art direction | copywriting

Sokal Video Production

Sokal is a full-service automotive advertising agency with offices in Raleigh and Charlotte, NC.


Editing and Motion Graphics


Company Demo Reel | Full edit


Local Automotive Dealership Spots | 30-sec Broadcast

Full edits, VFX and motion graphics


Dealership Group Campaigns

Art direction, template design and editing

The problem:

During the high-turnaround week(s) for the agency, Sokal’s production team might be responsible for getting 10 broadcast/CTV spots out the door for one dealership group within a few days of one another—and that’s on top of other client work.

Delivering quality work within that timeframe felt nearly impossible for our editing team of 3.

The solution: Micro-campaigns

I worked with our production and accounting teams to pitch the idea of what we called “micro-campaigns” to Leader Automotive Group. Micro-campaigns are not exactly traditional ad campaigns centered around a big idea—they’re more like stylistic themes that unify one auto group’s spots for 1-3 months at a time.

Micro-campaigns would:

  1. Unify the spots for Leader’s 10 dealership storefronts in a fun and engaging way

  2. Make quality production work more achievable

    • A streamlined treatment for all 10 videos would enable us to automate mindless tasks and focus on the creative work

  3. Save the production studio time and stress

    • 10 spots for one client every 1-3 months is much better than every single month

    • Longer campaigns would give us an entire month-2 months to prepare

Leader Automotive Group Micro-campaigns

Art Direction and Style Frames

I provided our account team with style frames and short sample videos to present to Leader when discussing options for a 1-3 month micro-campaign. I built up a look and feel as well as options for the soundtrack, mood, and pacing.

Rocktober template theme presented and adopted by all 10 Leader stores for the month of October


Template design

Once a style was chosen, I created customizable motion graphic templates that could be tweaked to fit the needs of each dealership within the Leader Auto Group.

For example, this The Time is Now template was used by 3 video editors to produce a total of:

8 spots in 2 days! (in addition to other client work)

Hyundai of Lincolnwood

5 different automotive brands were represented among the 8 dealerships. That means 5 different brand standards were managed in these spots on top of the dealership group’s branding.

Kia of Lincolnwood

North City Honda

Writing | Directing

“Sokal Strength” Covid 19 Branding Spot | Full edit, Script

Check out the full breakdown of the script and production:

Product Videos | Full edits and all animations